Cartoon Friday~ Language & Communication (+ find the mistakes)
HAPPY FRIDAY! I hope you make today…. AWESOME! ♥
Keeping the conversation theme going, check out this week’s ‘Cartoon Friday,’ which are all about language, communication, and even a couple of grammar checks! Can you find the idiom posted this week? How about the 2 grammar mistakes?
*hint~ click on the pictures to see the captions, and correct the mistakes* GOOD LUCK~!
…P.S… All pictures are captioned with a question to give you something to talk about, don’t be shy!
- Can you find the mistake?
- How do you motivate yourself to learn and practice English?
- Idioms in use! Grumpy cat, ‘gotta’ love him…right?
- Cinco de Mayo – May 5th. Seis de Hangover = A hangover on May 6th, after drinking.
- Do you know anyone who doesn’t listen in a conversation?
- Will this be communication in the future?
- Another mistake! Can you find the mistake?