Words 1 & 2 of the Weekend: Pack & Rearrange
Why are they useful?
Packing is something you will definitely do in your life, if you haven’t already. You’ll pack for a vacation, when you move to a new place, your child’s lunch, or diaper bag, the list could go on. While you’re doing this, chances are, you’ll need more room because things won’t fit. So, what will you do? You’ll rearrange your luggage/box/bag! This is something I am currently doing, getting ready for our big trip today!
EX: Even though I packed my suitcase early, I forgot about some things I need to bring. I had to rearrange my clothes to create some extra space.
When’s the last time you had to rearrange what you had already packed?
Courtesy: Merriam Webster Learner’s Dictionary