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English Courses and Monthly Programs
Featured Courses
Este curso é para nativos de língua portuguesa. Aprenda os erros comuns e como falar melhor. Com 12 lições em video, práticas, e links para usar, você vai comunicar melhor imediatamente.
This course is for native Portuguese speakers. Learn the common mistakes and how to speak better. With 12 video lectures, extra practice, and links to use, you will communicate better immediately.
This is an 8 lesson e-mail course delivered straight to you each week. In this course you will learn vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, and society and culture differences between American and British English.
Taught by Jennifer and Dan from "Better English", this course will help you master your English skills through videos, audio files, PDFs, extra links to practice, and bonus podcasts.
Learn how to speak more effectively and review all 12 of the time tenses in English: the simple present, past, and future, the present, past, and future continuous, the present perfect, past perfect, and future perfect, and the perfect progressive tenses.
Practice grammar the fun way, with interactive conversation! With guided speaking exercises, you will better understand and use English grammar.
Monthly Programs
This monthly program gives you Whatsapp support (via mobile or web) Monday-Saturday for general English questions, English support, and English feedback. With this program you'll have an English tutor in your pocket for support when you need!
It's flexible for learning, especially if you're busy and a great addition to your current English course or if you're too busy for online lessons.
Forget boring text books, this course will get you speaking better and more confidently!
You will receive an e-book (PDF) explaining the targeted grammar point(s), and will include explanations about the structures and uses, practice exercises, and how to use the grammar naturally in context. Application of the grammar will be done through guided conversations, discussions, and various real-life exercises.
This monthly program allows you to study on your own with some of TV's greatest shows while improving your listening skills, expanding your vocabulary, and improving your pronunciation skills.
The program includes (4) 1-hour Skype lessons, and (4) episode PDF worksheets to guide you through the episode. You will learn at least 30 new words and phrases in each episode!
Click here for online course and monthly program terms and conditions, including program restrictions before purchasing.