Learn and Improve your English with TV: Bloodline
If you are like most students, you are looking for the most effective, and the most entertaining (FUN) way to learn English. This is a smart thing to do as well because it’s definitely true that you will retain (*remember*) more information that you learn when you are deeply engaged while studying. If all of your brain is activated and paying attention while learning something, then you will be able to recall this information, and use it easier in the future. This is why I am teaching you how to learn and improve your English with TV today. Learning English through TV gives you the opportunity to improve more than your listening skills and vocabulary, you’ll be able to improve your speaking and pronunciation, grammar, and reading skills as well!
How can you learn and improve your English with TV, specifically speaking, pronunciation, and grammar?
It’s easy! By paying attention to the accents, intonations and speech patterns you hear, and noticing the use of everyday grammar concepts you have been reviewing. The speaking happens in your follow up discussions.
In order to take full advantage of the TV show, it’s best to watch the show and think about the learning experience in an active way. When I say “active” I mean to be aware and present that you are studying and learning, and not just passively sitting in front of the TV.
Lucky for you, I have created a course to help you use TV more actively to improve your English, and today I am telling you all about it in my 5 minute English video.
I invite you to first watch this week’s 5 Minute English video lesson, and learn some new vocabulary and get a glimpse (*a small look*) at what my English Through TV course is all about. When you finish watching the video, come on back to this blog and download the sample worksheet to use while you watch episode 1 of this incredible Netflix TV show, “Bloodline.”
Are you hooked to the TV show already? I know, I know…it’s hard not to be!
If you aren’t quite sure about the TV show yet, then it’s time for you to download your worksheet for season 1, episode 1 of Bloodline and see for yourself how much you can learn (and how entertained you will be) with this series.
I’ve included a PDF attachment of an example of the type of material that’s a part of my English Through TV Series course. The first section has important vocabulary and expressions, and not ones that you can necessarily find yourselves in a dictionary or online. You can pre-study the vocabulary so you are aware of the meanings as you watch the show. While you watch, a variety of questions will check your comprehension and understanding of the episodes, and finally as a way to practice speaking and wrap it up, discussion questions that you can review. Remember, if you don’t use the new information you learn…you lose it!
Students & Teachers: If you are interested in the complete worksheet series, then you can enroll in English through TV series today. Learn more and sign up directly by clicking here.
Download the sample worksheet and study guide for Bloodline’s season 1, episode 1 here:
You can always come back to the blog and comment below using the new vocabulary to practice what you’ve learned. Share your thoughts about the episode, the answers to your true/false questions and connect with others who have watched completed this worksheet.
Happy Studying! ♥
If you liked this lesson, please share it with a friend or a colleague. I appreciate that so much!
If you want to connect with even more speaking opportunities, then check out my Conversation Club – a monthly training program that connects you to a lot of speaking practice with real people, including teachers! Get reading, listening, pronunciation, vocabulary lessons and more. Click here to sign up or learn more and join a 1-week trial below.
The Conversation Club will provide you with 6 group conversation calls to practice with a real teacher and a group message community to connect with other members.
You will also get weekly English lessons to help your vocabulary, listening, reading, pronunciation, and more!
Try the Club for 1 week, free! Join the 1-week free trial here.
Very nice video
Easy to understand
Hi there. As far as I remember, TV programs for English learners is pretty old idea. I prefer to learn english through skype. Why? Because you can’t hear your own pronunciation, and it’s very good if a native speaker helps you. During my own learning I’ve found that it’s importamt to use a lot of resources of information. Very usefull blog. Also it’s good to make some native english friends on facebook or anywhere you can. Just say them: I’m learning english, please help.
Yes, learning through Skype is very helpful! This is why I offer Skype lessons with my English through TV program. Students can discuss the episodes, improve their vocabulary and work on general speaking skills. You’re more than welcome to sign up for lessons and give it a try! 🙂
Could you sent me your vedos jennifer to my email above, i want to know much about english in grammar
Hi! You can sign up for my newsletter and receive the videos every week! The link to sign up is on my homepage of the website (englishoutsidethebox.com). 🙂