Posts by Jennifer Nascimento
3 Tips for Successful Studying in English for Fluency
In order to be successful in English and to reach fluency, you need to be studying more successfully right? We’re continuing this theme of English success (last Saturday I posted a lesson with 2 tips for English success) and getting you established with a good study pattern and routine. When you have the right tools, resources,…
Read More60 Second Saturday: 2 Tips for English Success
What’s the secret to learning English? Are there ways that you can learn easier, faster, and with more enjoyment? YES! And this is what we’re going to focus on today, 2 tips for English success. Watch today’s 60 Second Saturday lesson for a push in the right direction this weekend and some extra motivation for…
Read MoreFaux Pas: Vocabulary Lesson + American Culture Tips
If you want to travel, or move and live in the United States, there are some things you need to know. The language, of course, is helpful which is why you’re learning with me today and every week. However, there are also behaviors you should be aware of, certain ways you should act and things…
Read MoreHave not VERSUS Do not Have: What’s the Difference?
Have you ever wondered what the difference between HAVE NOT and DO NOT HAVE was? Do you think you’ve ever confused the two and made a mistake while using English? If you have made the mistake of confusing the two, you’re not alone! In today’s American English lesson, let’s review have not VS do not…
Read MoreEnglish Phrasal Verbs for Sickness
English for your every day life, or everyday English is what I focus on teaching you each and every week right here at and on English Outside the Box! As you’ll notice this week, when you watch the video below, I am feeling a little under the weather. I am feeling a lit bit sick,…
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