Free Friday: Learn English with Breaking Bad

When it comes to Breaking Bad, you may be one of 3 groups of people: 1. “I’ve never seen it.” 2. “Eh, whatever…didn’t care for it.” 3. “AMAZING, re-watching…[for the 3rd time]” Perhaps number 3 is a bit of an exaggeration, but whatever group you may….or may not fit into, this post will still definitely…

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News in Levels: Animal Week

Practice your reading and writing comprehension with There are a few articles related to animals this week, so I want you to choose one of the following, and in the comment section: summarize the article in your own words. try to use the new vocabulary and create your own sentences. share your opinion. What…

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News in Levels: Finding your appropriate reading level

Reading comprehension practice anyone? Luckily, I’ve come across this great news website created specifically for English learners. Click here  to go to the website, and take a quick (1 minute) test to find the reading level appropriate for the site. When you get your level, choose the stories that match you by clicking on the…

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Undocumented immigrant can practice law in California

Sergio Garcia’s story Watch the video above, and read the article at this link: Summarize what you understood from the article. In addition, 1) what are your thoughts to this ‘controversy’? 2) Should Sergio be allowed to practice law? Why or why not? Other related articles: CNN:

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