How to Effectively Express Your Opinion in an Argument
Today I am excited to share another guest post, which fits perfectly into this month’s theme of March Modal Madness. Guest posts provide an excellent opportunity for you to see even more ‘Outside the Box’ learning opportunities; you’ll see different styles of writing, additional information, and be exposed to new resources that even I may not have been…
Read MorePoetry with Bree-Elizabeth
I am extremely delighted for today’s post, as it’s not only a breath of fresh air (something new and refreshing), but an introduction and the first of what I hope is many upcoming posts from a very talented writer. Bree-Elizabeth has jumped on board of English Outside the Box’s blogging journey, and I hope you…
Read MoreMardi Gras
Before you say, “HAPPY MARDI GRAS” or celebrate ‘Carnaval’ ‘Fat Tuesday’ ‘Karneval’, etc.. Learn a little about what it is! There are heaps of resources out there for you to find, so instead of just posting a bunch on information here, I wanted to provide some of the full resources for you to check out.…
Read MoreReal Language Learning Advice, from Real Learners
To show my love today, I wanted to share some extra special resources that will help you take your English skills to the next level! Sharing is caring after all, so this post is dedicated to all of you. I’ve reached out to some learners and asked them to share their favorite resources for studying,…
Read MoreLearn something NEW, every day in February!
HAPPY FEBRUARY February, although a shorter month, is filled with so much excitement, love, and things to do! Not only is a groundhog going to tell us about our winter/spring season (read about groundhogs day, Feb 2, here), we’re going to celebrate love (Feb. 14), random acts of kindness (Feb 17), Mardi Gras (Feb 17), and so much more. You can read about all…
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