How to Speak English like a native English speaker

How to Speak English like a Native Speaker

Learning how to speak English like a native English speaker just got easier with these 3 tips from my recent (and second) “Everyday English” YouTube Live lesson. I get emails and messages very often asking me for fluency tips, and asking for lessons about speaking English more naturally. I know you, my English learner and English…

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English phrases with compliment

4 English Phrases with COMPLIMENT

Hey, you. Yes, you! The person reading this blog lesson. Your motivation is an inspiration to those around you, including me! I hope you know that today, and every day, you are appreciated! In honor of National Compliment Day, it’s only appropriate to start the lesson with…. a compliment, to you! Thanks for continuously sharing your…

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Understanding the English Perfect Tenses

Understanding the English Perfect Tenses

From time to time I ask my Instagram students what they need and want to learn. Sometimes I’ll ask which specific questions they have, or ask them to share which topics they want more of (whether it’s grammar, vocabulary, writing, etc…). There is usually a pattern, English learners are confused and want a better understanding of the…

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Tips to Make English Studying a Habit

5 Tips to Make English Studying a Habit

“I should study more.” “I need to improve my vocabulary.” I want to speak better.” When I asked my students about what they wanted to achieve in 2017 these were some of the top responses. These goals are quite common when a new year begins, because it’s normal and natural for people to want to make…

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