Breakthrough Pronunciation, American English Pronunciation workshop

Stress-free Stresses in English Pronunciation

Today I am delighted (*happy*) to share a guest post from the talented pronunciation coach, Elena Mutonono, who also happens to be my co-host for the upcoming Breakthrough Pronunciation Workshop. Breakthrough Pronunciation is a 3 day workshop designed to help you advance not only in your pronunciation skills, but your careers as well. With guidance from…

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Learning Outside the Box with Instagram: Inglês Feito à Mão

Today’s post fills me with excitement because it combines a few things that I love: teaching English outside the box, utilizing Instagram for learning, and Inglês Feito à Mão’s creativity! If you’ve been following me for a while then you know how much I love to utilize Instagram to teach, especially in outside the box (or non-traditional ways). If you…

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Describing Scenery with Adjectives and Descriptive Language

The first photo I shared in week 3 of #nostalgicnovember was taken in New Zealand. Spread across a bright green, rolling hillside were thousands of off-white dots. These off-white dots looked almost like a vast cotton field. The green grass that peeked from underneath the white specks appeared so bright because of the way its horizon met an almost…

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