8 Benefits of English (Language) Exchange

As you read the title, you may be thinking that the benefits of a language exchange partner are obvious, right? You get to practice speaking, which leads to improving your fluency. Ok, blog post done. However, let me specify here that I am writing about the benefits of English exchange amongst learners, and not necessarily with a…

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Phrasal Verb Friday | Phrasal Verbs VS Verb + Prepositions

The past few Fridays have been spent reviewing a variety of phrasal verbs and how to learn them, but what exactly is a phrasal verb? What is the difference between phrasal verbs and verb + preposition combinations? Yes, did you know that second or sometimes third part of a phrasal verb is actually not a preposition?  Where do the…

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Reading Comprehension with Bree-Elizabeth | Part 1

Just as the title suggested, today’s post is brought to you by guest-blogger, Bree-Elizabeth. To keep things interesting, we’re changing up (doing things differently) the posts that Bree-Elizabeth does, with this week being a 2-part short story to practice reading comprehension and vocabulary. Later this week, we’ll review the phrasal verbs (and verb + preposition combinations)…

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Flashback|Phrasal Verb Friday: Coachella

Ah, Coachella. Frolicking (playing and moving about happily) in the California desert with my best friends, listening to endless music for 3 days, I only wish I could partake (to join with others in doing something) in this festival every year. It’s been one week since this fabulous vacation, and I am definitely feeling the “post Coachella depression”…

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How to Effectively Express Your Opinion in an Argument

Today I am excited to share another guest post, which fits perfectly into this month’s theme of March Modal Madness. Guest posts provide an excellent opportunity for you to see even more ‘Outside the Box’  learning opportunities; you’ll see different styles of writing, additional information, and be exposed to new resources that even I may not have been…

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