Pronouncing Heterophones in English

Hopefully you’re not thinking… hetero-what? But just in case, let’s clear that up! Have you ever noticed words in English that are spelled the same way, but pronounced differently? For example, the word “record”– I can keep a record of my quiz scores, or I can record the scores in a notebook. In this example,…

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Improving Speaking Fluency

So, here you are. You’ve finished your study abroad program, maybe you haven’t gone yet, or perhaps there could be no near possibility of even traveling to the land with your target language. Does this mean you can’t practice speaking fluency? Absolutely not! I think it’s obvious that one of the best ways to learn…

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My favorite Websites to Study English

Hello! This is just a quick post to share some of my favorite online learning links for studying English online. Has anyone had the unfortunate experience of reviewing homework, feeling confident, then getting to class to find it all wrong? 😐 Well, not anymore. The great thing about all 4 sites I am sharing with…

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