Flashback|Phrasal Verb Friday: Coachella

Ah, Coachella. Frolicking (playing and moving about happily) in the California desert with my best friends, listening to endless music for 3 days, I only wish I could partake (to join with others in doing something) in this festival every year. It’s been one week since this fabulous vacation, and I am definitely feeling the “post Coachella depression”…

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Learn something NEW, every day in February!

HAPPY FEBRUARY February, although a shorter month, is filled with so much excitement, love, and things to do! Not only is a groundhog going to tell us about our winter/spring season (read about groundhogs day, Feb 2, here), we’re going to celebrate love (Feb. 14), random acts of kindness (Feb 17), Mardi Gras (Feb 17), and so much more. You can read about all…

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Improve English with Music and English Outside the Box

Improve your English skills with Music

Love music as much as I do? If the answer is yes, then I really hope you are using music to improve your language skills. If you’re not, or you’re not quite sure how, then this suggestion and these tips will help you make the most out of something you love. A great way to…

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