Phrasal Verb Friday

Happy Friday! Phrasal verbs are an important part of everyday English, and help you understand more natives, and sound like one too! Check out Phrasal Verb Friday to learn about animals p.vs with definitions, examples, and discussion questions.

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News in Levels: Animal Week

Practice your reading and writing comprehension with There are a few articles related to animals this week, so I want you to choose one of the following, and in the comment section: summarize the article in your own words. try to use the new vocabulary and create your own sentences. share your opinion. What…

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Onomatowhatta? Understanding Onomatopoeia in English

Onomatopoeia is the creation of a word from the natural sound or association with it. These are incredibly important to know in English, because it will allow you to express yourself creatively when writing, and also help make sense of those descriptions often seen in subtitles. They are around us, everyday and everywhere. Take a…

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