Understand English Tag Questions

Understand English Tag Questions

Imagine the following situation: You’re in an elevator at work, and a coworker, who’s a native English speaker, walks in and smiles at you. After you push the button for floor 3, the doors close, and you both stand in silence as the elevator begins to rise. Your coworker turns to you and says, “lovely…

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ESL Podcast: English Across the Pond

English Podcast: English Across the Pond

There are so many English learning opportunities that many students aren’t taking advantage of (*aren’t using*), are you one of these students? I want you to think about the times that you are getting ready for work or bed, commuting to work or school, cooking dinner, and cleaning. Are you including English practice or review into…

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English Prepositions of Time with English Outside the Box

English Prepositions of TIME

Let me begin this post by asking you a question. How often do you feel confused with prepositions? Have you ever used the words IN or ON incorrectly? Do you feel confident with English prepositions of time? It is very possibly that you do get confused with prepositions, have used ON and IN incorrectly and…

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English Phrasal Verbs with hand, learn more with English Outside the Box

5 English Phrasal Verbs with Hand

As an English learner, phrasal verbs are something you can assume you will be learning indefinitely (*a period of time that won’t end*) because there are so many of these verbs, some with multiple meanings, and they are so common in English. Phrasal verbs will add a new level of fluency to your English level,…

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Learn English in 60 Seconds with English Outside the Box on Instagram

Learn English in 60 Seconds

Technology and the convenience of smartphones, wifi, and various apps have been continuing to make learning so much easier, especially for people “on the go” (*busy: traveling, or moving around a lot*). If you are someone who is busy, but still wants and needs to learn English, then today I am sharing with you some…

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