Pronouncing Heterophones in English

Hopefully you’re not thinking… hetero-what? But just in case, let’s clear that up! Have you ever noticed words in English that are spelled the same way, but pronounced differently? For example, the word “record”– I can keep a record of my quiz scores, or I can record the scores in a notebook. In this example,…

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Word 1 of the Weekend: mishap

Why is it useful? Unfortunately, accidents happen! Bad luck may be around us, so this word is handy to have. In fact, a mishap just happened to me: I dropped all my laundry soap! 🙁 Courtesy: Merriam-Webster’s Learners Dictionary

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Onomatowhatta? Understanding Onomatopoeia in English

Onomatopoeia is the creation of a word from the natural sound or association with it. These are incredibly important to know in English, because it will allow you to express yourself creatively when writing, and also help make sense of those descriptions often seen in subtitles. They are around us, everyday and everywhere. Take a…

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